Category Archives: Uncategorized

The One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying

I just can’t help but re-post this blog.

The Accidental Missionary

*Writers note:  After reading your comments, I have been moved to revise the following piece.  In a post where the main point is to encourage others to be aware of how our choice of words can get in the way of conveying our true intent, I realize the irony that my choosing to refer to my lack of understanding of God’s purpose as “dumb luck” caused some folks to miss the meaning of the post itself.  Silly me.  While people may still disagree, I think this slightly revised version better captures my honest intent.

I was on the phone with a good friend the other day.  After covering important topics, like disparaging each other’s mothers and retelling semi-factual tales from our college days, our conversation turned to the mundane.

“So, how’s work going?” he asked.

For those of you who don’t know, I make money by teaching leadership skills and…

View original post 1,180 more words

Something Stupid

Today, again, I will try to write about relationships. I am not an expert on the subject; this entry is nothing but my perception things. Perception define as “how one perceives / sees things”. Do not get me wrong, I have not had a long list of ex-boyfriends or a handful of the bad relationships. Most of the things I know were learned from family and friends.  You see, life is too short to experience everything, to make every stupid decision possible and to try all the choices available.  I guess some people just took the expression “learn from your mistakes” literally. It is like this, if one got burned from touching a burning wood, would you still try to touch the burning wood to see if you will get burned too? No. Sometimes you just have to use other people’s experiences to learn some things about life. Wait. I think I am getting derailed here. Let me go back to my story. Let me start a new a paragraph. Sorry.

So, as I was saying, relationships.  Staying in an isolated place for months made me realize a lot of things about relationships. Not all people who are in a so-called romantic relationship are committed to the relationship or to the other person.  Some people get in a relationship to escape from something or someone while others are just scared to be alone so they find someone willing to stay with them 24/7.  That I think is fine. Not really, especially if you have no feelings whatsoever towards the other person. You keep the relationship because it benefits you. You take advantage of the weak by feeding their fantasies with false truth that you are in the same fairy tale with them. But this I think is still better than using someone for other people’s entertainment. What am I trying to say?  I am talking about getting a partner for flaunting. You find a handsome single guy or a gorgeous girl. Someone you think is a chick magnet or a head-turner. Make the guy/girl your boyfriend/girlfriend by all means possible then take with him/her with you wherever you go – parties, family gathering, company events, church activities, heaven or hell, wherever you please, or use the him/her to TRY to make the guy/girl you are so madly obsessed with since birth jealous of this Ken/Barbie. Keep your fingers crossed and pray that your plan works. I admire the artistry of people involved in such “relationships”; it is no easy job to lie every minute of every day. 

I know you are wondering where in the world did I get the idea or how did I learn about these things. Let me tell you how. I learned about it not through gossip. Please, I am not a big fan of such hobby. I learned about it through observation, through stories of family, relatives, friends, colleagues and enemies. Yes, pretty much from everyone I meet. It is just like watching your favourite tv program where you get to see everything, know every secret and basically everything that is going on in the story. That is what I do, I observe. I watch people live their lives. As I have mentioned earlier, life is too short to learn everything about life by experiencing them yourself, make the most out of everything around you — learn from other people’s lives too. I think I am derailed again. LOL! Sorry, I have been up since 5pm yesterday, worked from 7pm to 7am the next day and it is now 9am. So yes, I am a bit messed up at the moment so please bear with me.


I noticed that SOME people lost the sense of romance in relationship, that relationship for them is nothing but two people together benefiting from each other. I scratch your back, you scratch mine. This truth made me realize how blessed I am that the “relationship” I have is nothing like what I have observed from most people in my generation. We are nothing like friends with benefits. We are far more than that.  I do not think that we even been through such stage. I think we are happy together because we complement each other. Do not get me wrong, our relationship is not perfect too, but at least it is not cheap or pretend-to-be relationship like the others.

I will stop now. I am not making any sense. But before I end this entry, let me leave a short message to all the flies flying around my piece of brown smelly pie.


Pesky fly,

“I know he is the LORD of the FLIES, but he actually hates pesky flies, he prefers butterflies.”



I wish I have a big cage where I can lock you up so you cannot go anywhere. But I do not have a cage to lock you up, I only have my arms to wrap around you. I hope that my arms around you are enough to make you stay. I LOVE YOU.


If you are still reading this part, thank you! Thank you for spending your time. But you do know I cannot give you back the 5 minutes of your life wasted reading this blog, right? Anyways, Goodnight!


—- the end —-

Language and Ethnicity: Nature or Nurture?


Thursday’s posts look at sociolinguistics or child language acquisition: accents, stereotypes and how children learn to speak.

Linguists have dubbed the dialect of widely used among black people in America “AAVE” (Pronounced, rather delightfully, almost like ah, vie! in French). It stands for African American Vernacular English.

Features such as devoiced fricatives – so that [ðis] (this) becomes [dɪs] dis, and [smu:ð] (smooth) becomes [smuːv] (smoov) -, a use of metathesised forms like aks for ask, and a complicated use of auxiliaries to mark time, tense and aspect (she be working, she done working, she been done working and she done been working, for instance, all have different meanings). Unlike is Standard English, multiple negation isn’t incorrect, so I didn’t do nothing is perfectly correct.

I’m sure most reader will know what I’m referring to.

The question is: it is nature or nurture?

View original post 477 more words

Messed Up Brain

I have not written anything in at least two months and I miss writing so bad!  I have so many things in mind that I want to write about but I do not know where to start. Some topics are sensitive while some are subjective.  I do not know how I will be able to write down my thoughts without offending anyone or creating a wrong impression to the readers. It will take time. I will need time. I just have so many things going on in my head right now. To be honest, I tried to write about my new job and boy my thoughts were all over the place. My thoughts were literally jumping from training – friends – religion – beliefs – workmates – relationships – etc.  It was a mess so I decided to just delete the draft. I guess I am too excited to share my stories.  


A month of training confined in a dormitory is quite an experience I must say.  Right now, I am trying to get back to my old routine and process some requirements for my new job. Once I have the time, I will write again.  For now,  I will just enjoy reading other people’s blogs.


I have not posted anything for more than a month, unforgivable  Sob. I have a new job and training just ended last Saturday. The training was for a month and we were housed at a dormitory nearby. Training was from 8am to 6pm six days a week that is why I was not able to write anything. I was crazy-busy the entire training period. The training was intense, stressful and full of funny moments. I will share some pictures and stories next time. I just want to say “hi!” to my page right now. By the way, how are you guys? ^_^



Hello world!

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Happy blogging!