Monthly Archives: December 2013

Someday i will…

I know i’ve been posting a lot of shitty stuff here like LOVE, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIP and SHIT. Forgive me if I bore you or make you puke your heart out. It was not my intention.I was just trying to write about my emotions and shit. I know in the future I will regret everything I have written here. Well, if not all.. surely MOST. Why?i dont know. I just know I will. I know someday I will just laugh at everything I said here. Almost all my blogs talk about love, relationship and happiness and none of it is real. Well, is it? I raelly cant tell. It is so hard to tell. One minute you’re happy, the next you’re crying your heart out and cursing the entire human race for creating bitches and assholes. That’s life and life is a bitch! You just have to learn to deal with it. Enjoy!